How to Plant Potatoes

👉How to Plant Potatoes

👉Steps to Plant Potatoes

  1.  Picking the Right Potato
  2. Planting the Potatoes

👉Part 1: Picking the Right Potato

  1. Choose the Right Variety
  2. Obtain Seed Potatoes
  3. Prepare the Potatoes for Planting

➡️Choose the Right Variety:

Potatoes come in different growth periods. Here are two main categories:

  • Early Seed Potatoes: These mature in 60-110 days. Plant them around late March, and they’ll be ready for harvest from late June to early July. Varieties like Pentland Javelin, Arran Pilot, and Dunluce fall into this category.
  • Maincrop Seed Potatoes: These take 125-140 days to mature. If planted in late April, you can harvest them by mid-August, continuing through October. Examples include King Edward, Kerrs Pink, and Harmony12.

➡️Obtain Seed Potatoes:

  • You can purchase certified seed potatoes from a garden center or online. 
  • Certified stock helps control and reduce the risk of potato diseases and viruses. 
  • Avoid using supermarket potatoes, as they may not be disease-free.

➡️Prepare the Potatoes for Planting:

  • Slice the seed potatoes into quarters, ensuring each piece has no more than three “eyes” (small pits or indents on the surface).
  • Place the cut potatoes in the sun for a day or two until you notice sprouts growing from the eyes. No need to soak them; potatoes have enough moisture for sprouting within their flesh.

👉Part 2: Planting the Potatoes

  1. Choose a Spot
  2. Plant the Seed Potatoes
  3. Water and Care
  4. Harvest

➡️Choose a Spot:

  • Select a sunny area with loosened soil. 
  • You can plant potatoes directly in the ground or use a large pot.

➡️Plant the Seed Potatoes:

  • Bury the seed potatoes about 4 inches beneath the soil surface.
  • Ensure the shoots (eyes) are facing upwards.
  • If using a pot, fill it with a layer of peat-free compost mixed with blood fish and bone fertilizer.

➡️Water and Care:

  • Water the potatoes consistently, especially during flowering.
  • Allow the top inch or two of soil to dry out between waterings.
  • When the plants reach 8-10 inches in height, hill up the soil around them to keep them cool and encourage more tubers.


  • Harvest the potatoes when the leaves start to yellow and die back.
  • For early varieties, this could be around 100 days after planting.
  • Use a potato fork to carefully dig them up.

Remember, patience and care during the growing process will yield delicious homegrown potatoes. Happy planting! 🌱🥔

How to Plant Potatoes How to Plant Potatoes Reviewed by Author on April 24, 2024 Rating: 5

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