How to Plant and Care for Aubergines

👉 How to Plant and Care for Aubergines

Aubergines, also known as eggplants, are delightful vegetables that thrive in warm climates. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner.

👉 Here are Some Tips to Plant and Care for Aubergines
  1. Choosing the Right Spot
  2. Starting Aubergines from Seed
  3.  Care Tips for Aubergines

1. Choosing the Right Spot

  1. Sunlight
  2. Soil

➡️Sunlight: Aubergines need a warm, sunny spot for optimal growth. Ideally, grow them in a greenhouse or raise them in pots on a south-facing patio or windowsill.

➡️Soil: Provide a good, rich, moisture-retentive soil. Sandy soil works well for aubergines. If growing in pots, ensure the soil or compost is free-draining.

2. Starting Aubergines from Seed

  1. Sowing Indoors
  2. Transplanting

➡️Sowing Indoors: Sow aubergine seeds indoors as early as January if you have a heated propagator. If not, start in March. Use moist, peat-free multi-purpose compost.

➡️Transplanting: When the first true leaves appear, transplant seedlings into individual 7.5cm pots. Eventually, plant them into the ground or individual 30cm pots of peat-free, multi-purpose compost.

3. Care Tips for Aubergines

  1. Temperature
  2. Pollination
  3. Pruning
  4. Feeding
  5. Harvesting

➡️Temperature: Aubergines need reliable temperatures of around 20°C to thrive.

➡️Pollination: To encourage fruiting, gently tap or shake the flowers with water to release pollen. Alternatively, grow pollinator plants nearby to attract pollinators.

➡️Pruning: Pinch out the growing tips of the main stems when they reach 30cm high to encourage side shoots.

➡️Feeding: Feed weekly with a high-potash fertilizer or tomato feed once the plants start flowering.

➡️Harvesting: Harvest aubergines as and when they appear.

Remember, aubergines are not only versatile in the kitchen but also a joy to grow in your garden! 🍆

How to Plant and Care for Aubergines How to Plant and Care for Aubergines Reviewed by Author on April 26, 2024 Rating: 5

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