How to Save a Dying Calathea Plant

 👉 How to Save a Dying Calathea Plant

Calatheas, with their striking foliage and vibrant patterns, are beloved houseplants. However, they can be finicky and sensitive. If you find your Calathea wilting, losing leaves, or looking generally unhappy, don’t panic! With proper care, you might be able to nurse it back to health. Here’s how:

👉 How to Revive a Dying Calathea: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Assess the Environment
  2. Trim Dead Leaves
  3. Inspect for Pests and Overwatering
  4. Maintain Humidity
  5. Avoid Sunlight and Fertilization
  6. Be Gentle

➡️Assess the Environment:

  1. Move Away from Windows
  2. Check Temperature

Move Away from Windows: Ensure your Calathea isn’t sitting near a southern or western window, as direct sunlight can dehydrate the leaves.

Check Temperature: Keep the room temperature between 65°F to 75°F. Extreme temperatures can harm the plant.

➡️Trim Dead Leaves:

  • Remove any dead or crispy leaves. Sometimes, this simple step can improve the plant’s overall health.

➡️Inspect for Pests and Overwatering:

  1. Pest Infestation
  2. Overwatering

Pest Infestation: Look for signs of pests (like spider mites or aphids). Spray neem oil solution to get rid of them.

Overwatering: Water only when the top layer of soil feels halfway dry. Avoid excessive watering.

➡️Maintain Humidity:

  • Calatheas thrive in high humidity. Use a humidity tray, mist the leaves, or place a humidifier nearby.

➡️Avoid Sunlight and Fertilization:

  • Keep your Calathea out of direct sunlight.
  • Temporarily stop fertilizing until it recovers.

➡️Be Gentle:

  • Give your plant time to recover. Avoid sudden changes or stressors.
  • Let transplant shock symptoms wear off if you’ve recently repotted it.

Remember, patience and gentle care are key. Calatheas can bounce back if you address their needs promptly. 🌿

How to Save a Dying Calathea Plant How to Save a Dying Calathea Plant Reviewed by Author on April 25, 2024 Rating: 5

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